2Quick Reference GuidePPOOWWEERR OONN SSEEQQUUEENNCCEEMMAAIINN PPAAGGEE SSEEQQUUEENNCCEEDDAATTAA EENNTTRRYYSSCCRREEEENN OORRIIEENNTTAATTIIOONNPPOOWWEERR OOFFFFCCOONNTTRRAASSTTPress and holdPPOOWWEERR key to turn the unit on.Status Page will appear while the unit gathers satellite information.Once operational, the Position Page will replace the Status Page.Press and holdPPOOWWEERRkey for three seconds.From Satellite Status Page,pressRIGHT orLEFT ontheRROOCCKKEERR KKEEYYPPAADD.PressEENNTTEERR to confirm.Status Page Position PageMenu PageActive Route PageNavigation PageMap PagePosition PageSatellite Status PageTo start data entry, highlight the desired field using the rockerKKEEYYPPAADD.PressEENNTTEERR to access the data field.Use theRROOCCKKEERR KKEEYYPPAADD to select alphanumeric characters and menu options.PressEENNTTEERR to confirmMMAARRKK PPOOSSIITTIIOONNFrom any page (except initial power on) press andhold thePPAAGGEE. key.Repeat sequence to switch back to original display.GGOO TTOO WWAAYYPPOOIINNTTPressMMAARRKK tocapture presentlocation.PressEENNTTEERRto confirm.Press theGGOOTTOO key.Select the waypointname from the list.PressEENNTTEERR to con-firm the selection.TTRRAACCBBAACCKK NNAAVVIIGGAATTIIOONNPress theGGOOTTOO key.Select theTRACBACK at thebottom of the page.PressEENNTTEERR to confirm theselection.GARMIN Internationaló1200 E. 151st StreetóOlathe, KS 66062 USAGARMIN (Europe) LTDóUnit 5, The Quadrangle, Abbey Park Industrial Estate Romsey S051 9AQGARMIN (Asia) Corp.ó4th Fl, No 1, Lane 45óPao-Hsin Tien, Taiwan R.O.C.FoldFold FoldFold