iThanks for choosing the GARMIN GPS II— the smallest, easiest-to-use GPS navigatorfor outdoor use! The GPS II represents GARMIN’s continuing commitment to provide qual-ity navigation information in a versatile and user-friendly flexible design you’ll enjoy foryears. To get the most from your new GPS, take the time to read through the owner’s man-ual in order to understand the operating features of the GPS II. This manual is organizedinto three sections for your convenience:Section One (Read Me First!) takes you through step-by-step instructions to initializethe receiver for first-time use.Section Two (Getting-Started Tour) introduces you to the basic features of the unitand provides a quick-start orientation to the GPS II.Section Three (Reference) provides details about the advanced features and opera-tions of the GPS II by topic.Thank You!Before getting started withyour GPS, check to see thatyour GARMINGPS II pack-age includes the followingitems. If you are missing anyparts, please contact yourdealer immediately.Standard Package:• GPS II Unit• Wrist Strap• GPS II Owner’s Manual• Velcro Mount