Not Usable— the receiver is unusable, possibly due to incorrect initialization orabnormal satellite conditions. Turn the unit off and back on to reset, and reini-tialize the receiver if necessary.Simulator— the receiver is in simulator mode (Fig. 23a).EZinit Option PromptThe satellite status page also provides access to the EZinit prompt whenever aposition fix has not been calculated (Fig. 23b) The unit must be in searching,AutoLocate, acquiring, simulator, or poor coverage mode. This allows you to reini-tialize the unit (see page 7), and is useful if you have traveled over 500 miles withthe receiver off and must initialize your new position. (The EZinit prompt will auto-matically appear if the receiver needs to be initialized. The prompt may also appearduring normal use if the antenna is shaded or the unit is indoors.)Fig. 23aFig. 23bREFERENCE23