15Positioning update rate:The selected update rate determines how many times per second the sensor will produce a new positioning estimate.A higher update rate will cause NMEA output sentences to be transmitted more frequently. For example, if a 10Hzupdate rate is selected, then a new positioning estimate is produced once every 100ms and selected high priority (seedescription of PGRMO for explanation on priority) NMEA output sentences are transmitted every 100ms. Whenconfiguring the sensor to operate at higher positioning update rates, consider the combination of communicationbaud rate and NMEA output sentence selection. If the combination of configured positioning update rate andselected set of NMEA output sentences exceeds the serial bandwidth available at the configured baud rate, thensome NMEA output messages will not be transmitted.GPS engine dynamics mode:When GPS engine is configured for HIGH dynamics mode, the sensor is able to produce more accurate positioningestimates in highly dynamic motion situations (rapid changes of direction and velocity). When it is configured forLOW dynamics mode the positioning estimates are more accurate in motion situations without highly dynamicmaneuvers.GNSS system name, GNSS system command:If the GNSS system name parameter is supplied, then the GNSS system command parameter is also required toeither enable or disable the use of a satellite system. The GPS19x always uses the GPS system, so use of GPS cannotbe disabled. The sensor is configured by default to use both GPS and GLONASS satellites. Use of GLONASS canbe enabled or disabled.Talker ID:When Talker ID is configured for AUTO, the transmitted NMEA output sentences will use the Talker ID inaccordance with NMEA0183 standard. For example, when the sensor is tracking and using GPS and GLONASS atthe same time, then most sentences will use Talker ID GN, but a few will be assigned a system-specific Talker ID(GPGSV and GLGSV). When Talker ID is configured to use a specific Talker ID, then all transmitted sentences willuse the same specific Talker ID. This can result in non-standard output, but has been provided for flexibility.NMEA0183 output compatible with GPS17x:If this parameter is set to 1, then the affected GPS19x configuration profile will be set up to closely match theoperation of GPS17x sensor. This includes setting the 1 Hz positioning update rate, LOW dynamics mode, and GPtalker ID. In this mode, no information about GLONASS satellites will be output in NMEA output sentences eventhough the sensor is still using GLONASS satellites internally for positioning estimates.4.1.6 Output Sentence Enable/Disable (PGRMO)The PGRMO sentence provides the ability to enable and disable specific output sentences and assign them high orlow transmission priority. The following sentences are enabled at the factory for the GPS 19x HVS: GPGGA,GPGSA, GPGSV, GPRMC, GPVTG and PGRMT.$PGRMO,<1>,<2>,<3>*hh<1> Target sentence description (for example, PGRMT, GPGSV, etc.)<2> Target sentence mode, where 0 = Disable specified sentence, 1 = enable specified sentence, 2 =Disable all output sentences, 3 = Enable all output sentences (except GPALM), 4 = Restore factorydefault output sentences<3> Target sentence transmission priority: 0 = low priority, 1 = high priorityThe following notes apply to the PGRMO input sentence:If the target sentence mode is 2 (Disable all), 3 (Enable all), or 4 (Restore defaults), the target sentence description isnot checked for validity. In this case, an empty field is allowed (for example, “$PGRMO,,3”), or the mode field maycontain from 1 to 5 characters.If the target sentence mode is 0 (Disable) or 1 (Enable), the target sentence description field must be an identifier forone of the sentences that can be output by the GPS sensor. NOTE: Though GPS19x can output sentences withNMEA sentence Talker ID other than GP, the target sentence identifiers used for this configuration sentence still alluse the GP Talker ID.If either the target sentence mode field or the target sentence description field is not valid, the PGRMO sentence willhave no effect.