Battery Level IndicatorThe Satellite Page also features a battery level indi-cator, located to the left of the sky view, which displaysthe strength of the unit’s batteries. The battery indicatorwill not appear if the receiver is using external power.The battery level indicator is calibrated foralkaline batteries. Voltage differences will dis-play Ni-Cad and lithium batteries differently .No other receiver functions are affected.The GPS 12XL features an internal lithium batterythat will maintain the unit’s memory when the receiveris not running off batteries or external power.Backlighting Bulb IconThe GPS 12XL features full-screen backlighting.Activate the backlight by pressing the B key briefly.Note: A bulb icon will appear on the Satellite Pagewhen backlighting is turned on.Emergency Erase FunctionYou may erase the GPS 12XL’s memory in four quicksteps. This will cause all stored data to be deleted,including: routes, waypoints, and the track log.To erase all stored data:1. Ensure that the GPS 12XL is turned off.2. While holding down the Mkey, hold down the Bkey to turn the unit on. A warning message will appearwith “Yes?” highlighted, and ask you to confirm yourselection.3. If you do not wish to erase all stored data, press Rand E to cancel the emergency erase.4. If you do wish to complete the emergency erase, pressE to confirm.Battery Level,Backlighting &Emergency EraseREFERENCE14When backlighting is on, abulb icon will appear onthe Satellite Page.Use the icon to determineif backlighting is turnedon during daylight hours.Upon activating theEmergency EraseFunction, you will beasked to confirm yourdecision.!#