Compass PageWhenever you select a destination waypoint, theGPS 12XL provides graphic steering guidance with theCompass Page (the default navigation page). The “com-pass ring” in the middle of the page shows your courseover ground while you’re moving, with a pointer arrowto the destination displayed in the center. The arrowshows the direction of your destination from the direc-tion you are moving. For instance, if the arrow pointsup, you are going directly to the waypoint. If the arrowpoints any other direction (left, right, down, etc.), turntoward the arrow until it points up. Then continue inthat direction.The bearing and distance to a waypoint are dis-played at the top of the screen, and your current trackand speed are shown below. The default ‘ETE’ field, atthe bottom of the screen, is a user-selectable field thatcan provide a variety of navigation information. We’llcover more about that field in the reference section (seepage 36).As you get close to ‘HOME’, you’ll be alerted topress PAGE. The GPS 12XL will give you the message“Approaching HOME”. Once you’ve arrived, you’llnotice the distance field will read 0.00.Cancelling a GOTOIf you decide to stop navigating to the active way-point, all you have to do is cancel the GOTO.To cancel an active GOTO:1. Press the G key.2. Use the arrow keypad to move the field highlight to the‘CANCEL GOTO’ prompt at the bottom of the page andpress E.Compass Pageand Cancellinga GOTOGETTINGSTARTED10The GPS 12XL will alsoprovide steering guidancewith a Highway Page.To change the displayfrom the Compass Page,press ENTER twice.Once a GOTO is activat-ed, the GPS 12XL pro-vides steering guidanceuntil the GOTO is can-celed. To cancel a GOTO,highlight the cancelprompt at the bottom ofthe page and pressENTER.Bearing toWaypointPointer toWaypointSelectable FieldDistance toWaypointSpeed OverGroundDestinationWaypointTrack OverGroundGraphicCompass