Zooming, Panning, and PointingThere are three main functions you can performfrom the Map Page: zooming, panning, and pointing.Zooming is increasing or decreasing the display scale ofthe map. Panning is using a target crosshair and thearrow keypad to “slide” the map window in any direc-tion, including diagonally, to view the surroundingarea. Pointing is the act of highlighting a waypoint onthe map in order to find out more about the waypointand conduct a GOTO, or highlighting a position on themap to create a new waypoint and conduct a GOTO.To select a zoom scale (even while panning):1. Press I or H once for each level of increase ordecrease desired.2. Press and hold down either key to increase ordecrease by more than one scale.To activate the pan function:1. Press the arrow keypad in any direction, includingdiagonally.As you begin to move the map, a crosshair willappear. This crosshair will now serve as a target markerfor the moving map. The distance and bearing fromyour present position to the target crosshair will appearin the upper corners of the map. If you are conductinga GOTO at the time you activate the panning function,the crosshair bearing and distance will replace the bear-ing and distance of the GOTO waypoint.As you pan around the map, you’ll notice that thetarget crosshair will point to on-screen waypoints andhighlight the waypoint name. Once a waypoint name ishighlighted, you can review its waypoint definitionpage or execute a GOTO function right from the MapPage.To review the definition page for a waypointhighlighted on the map:1. Press F. The waypoint definition page will appear.Review and make any desired changes to the high-lighted waypoint.2. When finished, highlight the ‘DONE?’ field and pressF. 39To change the map scale,press the IN or OUT keyonce for each level desired.An on-screen window willdisplay the current zoomscale.REFERENCEMap Zooming,Panning, &PointingThe crosshair will “snap” towaypoints highlighted onthe map, which allows youto quickly review or GOTOthe selected waypoint rightfrom the Map Page.