Selecting a GOTO DestinationThe GPS 120XL provides four ways to navigate to adestination: GOTO, MOB, TracBack and route naviga-tion. The most basic method of selecting a destination isthe GOTO function, which lets you choose any storedwaypoint as the destination and quickly sets a directcourse from your present position.To activate the GOTO function:1. Press the G key. The GOTO waypoint list, an alpha-betical list of all available waypoints, will appear.2. Use the U and D keys to select the waypoint youwant to navigate to (it may already be highlighted).3. Press the F key to confirm, or Q to stop selec-tion of a GOTO destination and return to the previouspage.Once a GOTO waypoint has been activated, theCompass Page or Highway Page will provide steeringguidance to the destination until either the GOTO iscancelled or the unit has resumed navigating the activeroute (see page 34).To cancel an active GOTO:1. Press the G key.2. Use the arrow keypad to move the field highlight to the‘CANCEL GOTO?’ prompt at the bottom of the page andpress F.Man Overboard FunctionThe GPS 120XL’s man overboard function (MOB)lets you simultaneously mark and set a course to a posi-tion for quick response to passing positions (like thespot where your hat blew overboard).To activate the MOB mode:1. Press the B key. The GOTO waypoint page willappear with ‘MOB’ selected as the default destination.2. Press the F key to begin MOB navigation.The GPS 120XL will now guide you to the MOBwaypoint until the MOB GOTO is cancelled (see “tocancel an active GOTO” above). If you want to save theMOB waypoint, be sure to rename it, because it will beoverwritten the next time a MOB is executed.Starting/Stoppinga GOTO & MOBREFERENCE26Select a destination way-point from the GOTO way-point list.Once the MOB mode hasbeen activated, steeringguidance will be providedby the highway or compasspage. Activating anotherMOB will replace the previ-ous MOB waypoint.