4-33190-01150-02 Rev. J Garmin G500H Pilot’s GuideForewordSec 1SystemSec 2PFDSec 3MFDSec 4HazardAvoidanceSec 5AdditionalFeaturesSec 6Annun.& AlertsSec 7SymbolsSec 8Glossary Appendix AAppendix BIndex4.6.2.4 TIS AlertsWhen the number of Traffic Advisories (TAs) on the Traffic Map Pageincreases from one scan to the next, the following occur:• A single “Traffic” voice alert is generated.• A TRAFFIC Annunciation appears to the top left of the Attitude Indicatoron the PFD, flashing for 5 seconds and remaining displayed until no TAs aredetected in the area.To reduce the number of nuisance alerts due to proximate aircraft,the “Traffic” voice alert is generated only when the number of TAsincreases. For example, when the first TA is displayed, a voice and visualannunciation are generated. As long as a single TA remains on the display,no additional voice alerts are generated. If a second TA appears on thedisplay or if the number of TAs initially decreases and then subsequentlyincreases, another voice alert is generated.A “Traffic Not Available” (TNA) voice alert is generated when the TIS servicebecomes unavailable or is out of range.Traffic may not be displayed in the radar coverage area due to the following:• Radar site TIS Mode S sensor is not operational or is out of service.• Traffic or requesting aircraft is beyond the maximum range of the TIS-capable Mode S radar site.• Traffic or requesting aircraft is above the radar site in the cone of silence andout of range of an adjacent site.• Traffic or requesting aircraft is below radar coverage. In flat terrain, thecoverage extends from about 3000 feet upward at 55 miles. Terrain andobstacles around the radar site can further decrease radar coverage in alldirections.• Traffic does not have an operating transponder.