Fishfinder 340C Owner’s Manual 3usIng the fIshfInder 340c > confIgurIng AdvAnced dAtA fIelds• Tools—controls the appearance of useful sonar tools. Thefollowing options are available:A-scope—when you turn on A-scope, a vertical flasherbar appears on the far-right side of the screen. This flasherindicates structure and bottom returns much the same as theFlasher Page. The horizontal width of the A-scope signalindicates the strength of the signal.Color bar—shows a gradient scale of the current ColorGain setting (see page 35).Temp Graph—appears only if you have a temperature-capable transducer. This setting toggles the temperaturegraph along the bottom of a Sonar Page on or off. When on,the temperature graph matches the scrolling data.• Split When Zoomed—splits the screen when you use theZoom option. If you turn on Zoom, then this setting splits thescreen. If Zoom is Off and you turn on Split When Zoomed,the last used zoom level is used on the screen.• Swap Split—available on the Split Sonar Page whenFrequency is set to dual. This switches on which side thefrequencies appear.Configuring Advanced Data FieldsThe top-left corner of the screen contains configurable data fieldsfor the Sonar Pages. You can view basic or advanced data for thesedata fields. By default, the Basic configuration shows the depth,water temperature, and speed (depending on the Graph tab settingsand the type of transducer or sensors attached). The Advancedconfiguration shows a larger, configurable data field with a whitebackground. The Advanced Data Setup Menu allows you to specifythe type of data shown and either a Narrow (small) or Wide(larger) size format for each data field.