3 Fishfinder 340C Owner’s ManualusIng the fIshfInder 340c > usIng the AdjustMent MenuOff (default)—all high-intensity bottom returns appear as asolid color.Whiteline Turned OffWhiteline Turned OnOn—the strongest signal from the bottom appears as a brightcolor.• Frequency—only appears when using a dual frequencytransducer. This allows you to choose a sonar operationfrequency. You can choose 200 khz, 50 khz, or dualfrequency (to alternate between the two frequencies).• Scroll—adjusts the rate at which the Sonar Pages scrollfrom right to left. Ultrascroll (default) is used when youselect a scroll rate from 90% to 100%. Auto automaticallyadjusts the scroll rate according to the boat’s speed. (See also“Automatic Scroll Speed Limit” on page 28.)• depth line—adds a horizontal depth line across the screenthat is used to measure the depth of underwater objects. Thedepth of the line appears on the right side of the line. Pressup or down on the ROCKER to control the position of theline on the Sonar Pages. Move the slider to the top to turn offDepth Line.• Zoom—sets a screen zoom scale. The following settings areavailable:Off—turns off the Zoom function.2x Zoom––increases the graph zoom level 2x.4x Zoom––increases the graph zoom level 4x.btm (Bottom) lock––sets the Bottom Lock (returns fromthe bottom up) picture. When using this setting, “BL”appears at the bottom of the screen.• Zoom View—available when you select a Zoom scale otherthan Off. You can use the Zoom View setting to change theviewing range of a zoomed display. Auto follows the waterbottom. If you select bottom lock, use the Span setting toadjust how far off the bottom the Fishfinder shows data.