48 Fishfinder 340C Owner’s ManualINDEXINDEXSymbols200 kHz frequency 22X zoom 384X zoom 3850 kHz frequency 2AA-scope 38accessories 1, 44adj/menu key 23adjustment menu 36for the split sonar page 25alarms 32alarms tab 32anti-reflective coating iiarches 4assembling the transducer 9automatic scroll speed 30auto color gain 29Bbacklight key 23backlight setting 21basic display 39battery alarm 33beam 37bearing 40beeper 33bottom of the water 4bracket assembly 6brg (bearing) 40btm (bottom) lock 38Ccables 5calibrate water speed 30CANet™ icase, cleaning the iichange a setting 27changing the data fields on thenumbers page 27cleaning the case iicleaning the screen iiclutter 4cnfg key 23cog (course over ground) 40color 4color bar 38color scheme 29contact Garmin iicurrent time and current date 35custom range 29Ddata/cnfg key 23data fields 25, 27, 39date 35daylight saving time 35dcog (desired course over ground) 40defaults 34definitions, data field 40depth 25, 34, 36, 39, 42depth line 38depth units 34distance units 34dist next (distance to next) 40dpt (depth) 40drift alarm 32dual beam 3dual frequency 2, 25Eenable NMEA input/output 41enter key 23extended data setup 39extended display 39Ffactory settings 34field definitions 40fish alarm 32fish symbols 4, 28flasher page 26flush mounting the fishfinder 7frequency 37200 kHz 250 kHz 2fuse 15, 44Ggain 37, 38gain key 23gain setting 4GPS, wiring to a 16graphsauto gain 29Whiteline 37graph tab 28Hhardness of the bottom 4hard bottom 26hard structure 4heading 35