28 Fishfinder 340C Owner’s ManualU SING THE FISHFINDER 340C > U SING THE MAIN MENU3. Use the Rocker to highlight the setting you want to change,and press ENTER. The available settings appear.4. Use the Rocker to highlight the setting you want, and thenpress ENTER. The new setting is now active.Your changes to the Main Menu settings are used until you go tothe Main Menu and set the System Factory Settings option to Yes.Graph TabThe Graph tab enables you to determine the appearance of theSonar Pages.The following settings are available:• Fish Symbols—sets how the Fishfinder interprets suspendedtargets and background information. If you select a fishsymbol, the Fishfinder identifies some returns for you byreplacing them with fish symbols (in large, medium, andsmall sizes based on the size of the sonar return). If youare using dual beam, fish symbols from the narrow beam(directly underneath your boat) are solid, and the returnsfrom the wide beam (out to the sides of your boat) arehollow.OFF (default)—the Fishfinder does not interpret the sonarreturn data.—suspended targets appear as symbols. No backgroundinformation appears.—the same as above with the target depth shown.—suspended targets appear as symbols. Backgroundinformation appears, making the distinction between fish andstructure easier.—the same as above with the target depth shown.