1 Connect your device to the Garmin Drive app (Live Services,Traffic, and Smartphone Features, page 12).2 On your Garmin device, select Settings > Traffic, and verifythe Traffic check box is selected.Receiving Traffic Data Using a TrafficReceiverNOTICEHeated (metallized) windshields could degrade the performanceof the traffic receiver.A traffic receiver receives traffic data from an over-the-airbroadcast signal, where available. To receive over-the-air trafficdata, the device must be connected to vehicle power using atraffic-compatible power cable. A traffic receiver is included withsome product models (Traffic, page 14). .Traffic data is not available in all areas. For information abouttraffic coverage areas, go to garmin.com/traffic.Connect the device to vehicle power using the trafficcompatible power cable (Mounting and Powering the GarminDevice in Your Vehicle, page 1).If your product model includes traffic data, the vehicle powercable included with your device is traffic compatible.When you are within a traffic coverage area, your device candisplay traffic information and help you avoid traffic delays.Traffic Receiver SubscriptionsA regional traffic data subscription is included with most trafficreceivers. You can add subscriptions for additional regions toyour traffic receiver. For more information, go to garmin.com/traffic.Viewing Traffic SubscriptionsSelect Settings > Traffic > Subscriptions.Adding a SubscriptionYou can purchase traffic subscriptions for other regions orcountries.1 Select Settings > Traffic.2 Select Subscriptions > .3 Write down the FM traffic receiver unit ID.4 Go to www.garmin.com/fmtraffic to purchase a subscriptionand get a 25-character code.The traffic subscription code cannot be reused. You mustobtain a new code each time you renew your service. If youown multiple FM traffic receivers, you must obtain a newcode for each receiver.5 Select Next on the device.6 Enter the code.7 Select Done.Enabling TrafficYou can enable or disable traffic data.1 Select Settings > Traffic.2 Select the Traffic check box.Adding a SubscriptionYou can purchase traffic subscriptions for other regions orcountries.1 Select Settings > Traffic.2 Select Subscriptions > .3 Write down the FM traffic receiver unit ID.4 Go to www.garmin.com/fmtraffic to purchase a subscriptionand get a 25-character code.The traffic subscription code cannot be reused. You mustobtain a new code each time you renew your service. If youown multiple FM traffic receivers, you must obtain a newcode for each receiver.5 Select Next on the device.6 Enter the code.7 Select Done.Voice CommandNOTE: Voice command is not available for all languages andregions, and may not be available on all models.NOTE: Voice Activated Navigation may not achieve desiredperformance when in a noisy environment.Voice command allows you to use your device by saying wordsand commands. The voice command menu provides voiceprompts and a list of available commands.Setting the Wakeup PhraseThe wakeup phrase is a word or phrase you can say to activatevoice command. The default wakeup phrase is OK Garmin.TIP: You can reduce the chance of accidental voice commandactivation by using a strong wakeup phrase.1 Select Apps > Voice Command > > Wake Up Phrase.2 Enter a new wakeup phrase.The device indicates the strength of the wakeup phrase asyou enter the phrase.3 Select Done.Activating Voice Command1 Say OK Garmin.The voice command menu appears.2 Say a command from the menu.3 Respond to the voice prompts to complete the search oraction.Voice Command Tips• Speak in a normal voice directed at the device.• Reduce background noise, such as voices, or the radio, toincrease the accuracy of the voice recognition.• Speak commands as they appear on the screen.• Respond to voice prompts from the device as needed.• Increase the length of your wakeup phrase to reduce thechance of accidental voice command activation.• Listen for two tones to confirm when the device enters andexits voice command.Voice Command 15