5Taking Care of Your Digital PianoService and ModificationThis product should be serviced byqualified service personnel when:● The power supply cord or the plug hasbeen damaged.● Liquid has been spattered into the unitor the unit has been exposed to rain.● The instrument does not appear tooperate normally or exhibits a markedchange in performance.● The instrument has been dropped orthe cabinet has been damaged.Handling and Transport● Never apply excessive force to thecontrols, connectors or other parts ofthe instrument.● Always unplug cables by gripping theplug firmly, not by pulling on the cable.● Disconnect all cables before movingthe instrument.● Physical shocks caused by dropping,bumping, or placing heavy objects onthe instrument can result in scratchesand/or more serious damage.● Carefully check the amplifier volumecontrol before playing. Excessivevolume can cause permanent hearingloss.Cleaning● Clean the cabinet and panel with a soft,dry cloth. A wax based polish may beused on the cabinet, although rubbingwith a soft cloth will usually suffice. Donot use paint thinner or petrochemicalbased polishes.● To maintain the luster of the keys andbuttons, wipe with a clean, lightly dam-pened cloth and then polish with a soft,dry cloth.Location● To avoid deformation, discoloration, ormore serious damage, do not exposethe instrument to the following conditi-ons: Direct sunlight, high temperatures,excessive humidity, excessive dust,strong vibration.● Leave enough space around the pianofor proper ventilation.● This instrument contains digital circuitryand may cause interference if placedtoo close to radio or television recei-vers. If interference occurs, move theinstrument further away from the affec-ted equipment.● Avoid placing vinyl objects on top ofthe instrument; vinyl can stick to anddiscolor the surface.Power● Turn the power switch off when theinstrument is not in use.● To avoid damage to the instrument andother devices to which it is connected,turn the power switches of all relateddevices off prior to connecting or dis-connecting MIDI cables.● Turn the power off if the main cable isdamaged, or if the instrument is spat-tered with liquid.● Do not switch the unit on and off inquick succession as this places an un-due load on the electronic components.● Unplug the AC power cord during anelectrical storm.● Avoid plugging the AC adaptor into thesame AC outlet as appliances with highpower consumption,such as electric heaters or ovens.This Galaxy digital piano will supply you with years of musical enjoyment if you follow thesuggestions listed below.