22Auto-AccompanimentAdjusting the TempoMetronomeThe four-dot indicator above the TEM-PO buttons indicates the tempo and thebeat for the accompaniment playing.Each style has its own preset tempo.The tempo can be adjusted before orduring rhythm style play by pressingeither of the TEMPO +/- buttons. Thecurrent tempo will be shown on thedisplay for 3 seconds. During that time,you can also use the number pad toenter a new tempo value between 40and 240.If you change the style before playing,the tempo will be set to that style’sdefault value. If you change style duringplay, the tempo will keep its currentvalue. Press the TEMPO +/- buttonssimultaneously to reset the tempo tothe default value of the current style.The Symphony includes a built-inmetronome. Press the METRONOMEbutton to start the metronome. Its LEDindicator will light up and the “Metro-nome” menu will appear on the display.Use the +/YES and –/NO buttons withinthree seconds after the metronomehas been engaged to choose the beatpattern: 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 6/8or 12/8.After three seconds, the display willrevert to the selected Voice. Use theACCOMP VOLUME slider to adjustthe metronome level. Use the TEMPO+/- buttons to adjust the tempo of themetronome. The current tempo will beshown on the display for 3 seconds.During that time, you can also usethe number pad to enter a new tempovalue between 40 and 240. Press theMETRONOME button again to stop themetronome. If you select a new accom-paniment style or play a practice song,the beat and tempo of the metronomewill be set automatically to the beat andtempo of that style/song.NOTE: If the metronome is enabled whilethe auto-accompaniment is playing, themetronome sound will replace the Drum partof the accompaniment style.