38More ethnic Asian Instruments have been added to the voice list as shown below.No. Name Display Prog. Change BankASIAN FOLK INSTRUMENTS129 Yangquin Yangqin 15 1130 Sanxian Pipa 106 1131 Zheng Zheng 107 1132 Erhu Erhu1 110 1133 Banhu Banhu 0 1134 Suona Suona 1 1135 Sheng Sheng 2 1136 Dizi Dizi 3 1137 Erhu + Yangqin ErhuYangqin2 7 1138 Dizi + Zheng DiziZheng2 11 1NOTE: When the touch sensitivity is in the “Soft,” “Normal,” or “Hard,”mode, voice No. 137 will sound as Erhu when a key is struck softly, and asYangqin when the key is struck hard. If the touch response is fixed, voice No.137 will always sound as Yangqin. Voice No. 138 will sound as Zheng whenplaying keys below C4, and as Dizi when playing keys C4 and above.Voice List