IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS.READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS8THE VENT FANThe fan will operate automatically under certainconditions (see automatic Fan feature). Takecare to prevent the starting and spreading ofuse. Clean the underside of the microwave often.Do not allow grease to build up on theunits below the microwave oven, smother athe pan completely with a lid, a cookie sheetCorrosive cleaning agents, such as lye-basedmicrowave, turn the fan on. Never leave surface units beneath yourmicrowave oven unattended at high heatsettings. Boilovers cause smoking and greasyspillovers that may ignite and spread if themicrowave vent fan is operating. To minimizeautomatic fan operation, use adequate sizedcookware and use high heat on surface unitsonly when necessary.PACEMAKERSMost pacemakers are shielded frominterference from electronic products,including microwaves. However, patientswith pacemakers may wish to consult theirphysicians if they have concerns.READ AND FOLLOW THIS SAFETY INFORMATION CAREFULLY.