21Installation InstructionsC4CAUTION: 7RDYRLGWKHULVNRISHUVRQDOLQMXU\ EDFNLQMXU\RURWKHULQMXULHVGXHWRH[FHVVLYHZHLJKWRIWKHPLFURZDYH RUSURSHUW\GDPDJH\RXZLOOQHHGWZRSHRSOHWRLQVWDOOWKLVPLFURZDYHIMPORTANT: Do not grip or use handle duringinstallation.WARNING: 5LVNRI(OHFWULF6KRFN&DQFDXVHLQMXU\RUGHDWK,ILQVWDOOLQJXQLWZLWKPHWDOFRXQWHUWRSVFRYHUWKHHGJHRIWKHpower supply cord hole with the power supply cordEXVKLQJIMPORTANT: If filler blocks are not used, case damagemay occur from overtightening screws.NOTE: When mountingthe microwave, threadpower cord through holein bottom of top cabinet.Keep it tight throughoutSteps 1–3. Do not pinchcord or lift oven by pullingcord.Lift microwave, tilt itforward, and hook slotsat back bottom edgeonto four lower tabs ofmounting plate.12 Rotate front of oven upagainst cabinet bottom.MOUNT THE OVEN465 Tighten the outer two screws to the top of theoven. (While tightening screws, hold the ovenin place against the wall and the top cabinet.)Insert 2 self-aligning screws( 1ø4s[ȓμ WKURXJKRXWHUtop cabinet holes. Turn two fullturns on each screw.Install grease filters. See the Owner’s Manualpacked with the oven.Insert a self-aligning screw through top-centercabinet hole. Temporarily secure the oven byturning the screw at least two full turns afterthe threads have engaged. (It will be completelytightened later.)3Cabinet FrontCabinet Bottom ShelfFiller BlockOven TopEquivalentto Depthof CabinetRecessSelf-Aligning ScrewThis distancecan NOTexceed 2”to ensureproperinstallation