[he size,weight,thickness,startingtemperatureandyourpreferenceofdonenesswill affectbroilingtimes.Thisguideis basedonmeatsat refrigeratortemperature.tThe U.S. Department of Agriculturesays "Rare beef is popular, but youshould knew that cooking it to only140°F means some food poisoningorganisms may survive, "[Source:.Safe Food Book, YourKitchen Guide,USDA Rev. June ?gB_lTheovenhas 5 rack positions." " GFAnnlioncp=.rnmiiiiii,ii i i uBroiling GuideThe oven and broiler compartment doorsmust be closed during broiling.Atwagsuse a broiler pun and grid. It isdesignedto minimizesmoking andspattering bg trappingjuices in theshielded.10werpart of the pen.•_.For steaks end chops,slashfat evenl#around the outside edges of the meat. Toslash,cut crosswisethrough the outer fatsurfacejust to the edge of the meat. Usetongs to turn the meat over to preventpiercingthe meat and losingjuices,If desired,marinate meats or chickenbeforebroiling.Or brush with barbecuesauce last 5 to 10 minutes onlg.@When arranging the food on the pan, donot let fattg edgeshang over the sidesbecausedripping fat CoUldsoil the oven.The broiIercompartment does not needtobe preheated. However,for verg thin foods,or to increasebrowning, preheat if desired.Frozensteakscan be broiled bg positioningthe rack at the next lowest rack positionand increasingthe cooking time giveninthis guide 1Vztimes per side.Foe ouontitg end/ 'd or ThicknessBacon(about 8 thin slices)Ground Beef 1 lb. (4 patties)Well Dane 1/2" to 3/4" thickBeef SteaksRock*:: First Side SecondSidePosition Time (min.) Time (min.)C . 4C i0CommentsArrange in singte lager.Space evenlg, Up to8 patties take aboutthe same time.Raret ....... 1"thickMedium I to 1Vz Ibs.Well Done•Raret : 1V_"thickMedium 2 to 2VzIbs_Well DaneChicken 7'•Lobster TaBsFish FilletsHam Slicestprecooked)Pork ChoPS ,,Well Done.....WienersSimilarPrecookedSausages,Bratwurst....C.... 9 ' ' 7 'C :. 12 ' : 5-6B 13 8-9.... .C ' i0C 12-15B 25!whole " = , i B :.t - :30-35 ..2 to 2Vz Ibs.,split lengthwise . ,4 bone-in breasts B2-4 A6 to 8 oz. each "6-7i0-]216-18," 1525-30 10-1513-16 Do natturnover.1 lb. fillets C S 51/4" to 112" thick . :I • " i ...... I :-1" thick B 8l!2"thick B i : " 62(Z/2"thick) : , , : B 102 (1" thick) about 1 lb, B " 13864-59-]2,1.Ib, I_kg,(10) ' C 1-2Steaks lessthan I" thickcookthrough beforebrowning. Panfrging isrecommended.Slash fat.•Brush each side withmelted butter. Broilskin-side-down first,Cut through b_cl{' ofshell. Spread open. Brushwith meited butter beforebroiling and after halfof broiling time,Handie and turn very "carefullg, Brush withlemon butter beforeand during cooking, ifdesired, Preheat broilerto increase browning.rSlash fat.If desired, split sausagesin half lengthwise; cutinto 5- to 6qnch pieces.*See illustration for description of rack positions.15t'lO"ClS"w __ u•O•