GEAppliances.comThe,oven has a speciaX low Fack(R)position iust above th_ oven bottom. Useit when extra cookingspace is needed,for example, when cooking a largeturkey. The rack is not designed to slideout at this position.How to Set the Oven for Baking or Roasting "'_Your oven is not designed for open-door Tgpe of Food Rock Positioncooking. Frozenpies (oncookie sheet) Bor CNOTE: On models with an OVEN CONTROL : Angelfood cake. Bknob, turn it to the desired temperature.[Z] Touch the Bake pad.[] Touchthe + or- pads until the desiredtemperature is displayed.I-_ Touchthe Start/On pad.bundtor poundcakesBiscuits.muffins,brownies, Ccoekies,,cupcakes,layer cokes, DiesCasseroles Bor ERoasting RorAThe ovenwill start automaticaUg.Thedisptagwill showPREwhile preheating.When theoven reachesthe selectedtemperature,theoven controlwill oeepseveraltimes andthedisplay will show the oven temperature.To change the oven temperature during Bakecgde, touch the Bake pad and then the+ or-pads to get the new temperature.r_ Checkfood for donenessat minimumtime on recipe.Cook longerif necessary.r_ Touch the Clear/Off pad when baking is.finished and then removethe food fromthe oven. " " : :-Preheating and Pan PlacementPreheatthe oven if the recipecalls for it.To preheat, set the ovenat the correcttemperature. Preheatingis necessaryforgood resultswhen baking cakes,cookies,pastry and breads.Forovens without a preheat indicator light ortone,preheat 10 minutes.Baking resultswill be better if baking pansare centered in the oven as much as possible.Pansshould not touch each other or the wallsof the oven. If you needto usetwo racks,stagger the pans soone isnot directly abovethe other, and leave approximately 1Y2"between pans,from the front, back andsides of the wall.Aluminum FoilDo not usealuminum foil on the bottom ofthe oven.Neverentirelgcover o rack with aluminumfoil. Thiswill disturb the heat circulationandresult in poor baking.A smaller sheet of foil may be usedto catch aspilloverby placing it on a lower rack severa!inchesbelow the food.Oven HoistureAs your oven heats up,the temperaturechange of the air in the oven may causewater droplets to form on the door glass,These dropletsare harmlessand willevaporate as the oven continuestoheat up. 139O"1:1_'4'I5w AwOO