Usingthe clock and timer.Not all features are on all models.To Set the ClockMake sure theclockis set to thecorrecttimeof day.The clock must be set to the correct time ofday for the automatic oven timing funcdousto work properly. The time of day cannot bechanged during a timed baking or self-cleaning cycle.[] Touch the CLOCKpad.[] Touch the number pads.Touch the ntanber pads the same wayyouread them. For example, to set 12:34, touchthe number pads 1, 2, 3 and 4in that order.If number pads are not touched within oneminute after you touch the CLOCKpad, thedisplay reverts to the original setting. If thishappens, touch the CLOCKpad and reenterthe time of day.[] Touch the STMITpad until the time ofday shows in the display. This entersthe time and starts the dock.Tocheckthetimeofdaywhenthedisplayisshowingoffer information,simplytouchtheCLOCKpad.Thetimeof dayshowsuntilesotherpadistouchocLTo Set the timerThetimerdoesnotcontrolovenopomtions.Themaximumsettingonthetimeris 9 hoursand59minutes.ThetimerisaminutetimeronlgTheCLEAR/OR:paddoesnotaffect I/Ithe timer.[]Touch the KITCHENTIMERON/OFFpad.Touch the number pads until theamount of time you want shows in thedisplay. The maximum number ofminutes that can be entered is 60. Toset additional time, you will need to setit by hours and minutes. For example,to enter i hour and 30 minutes, touch/, 3 and 0 in that order.ff youmakea mistake,presstheKITCHENtiMERON/OFFpodandbeginagain.[] Touch the STARTpad,After pressingthe STARTpad, SLe/'disappears; thistells you the time is counting down,although the display does not changeuntil one minute has passed.[] When the timer reaches :00, thecontrol will beep 3 times followed byone beep every 6 seconds until theKITCHENTIMEROIgtOFFpadis touched.The6 secondtonecanbecanceledbyfollowingff_ stepsin theSpecialfeaturesofyourovencontrolsectionunderTonesat theEndof a timed@tie.To Reset the timerIf the display is still showing the timeremaining, you may change it bytouchingthe KITCHENTIMERON/OFFpad, then touchthe number pads until the time you wantappears in the display.If the remaining time is not in the display(clock, delay start or cooking time are in thedisplay), recall the remaining time bytouching the KITCHENTIMERON/OFFpadand then touching the number pads toenter the new time you want.To Cancel the timerTouch the KITCHENTIMERON/OFFpad _ice.Power Outageff a flashingtimeis in thedisplay,youhavee_onriemeda powerfailure.Resettheclock.To reset the clock, touch the CLOCKpad.Enter the correct time of day by touchingthe appropriate number pads. Touch theSTARTpad. 19