16 49-80700-2Cleaning the Range – ExteriorCARE AND CLEANING: Cleaning the Range – ExteriorIf your range is removed for cleaning, servicing or any reason, besure the anti-tip device is reengaged properly when the range isreplaced. Failure to take this precaution could result in tipping of therange and can result in death or serious burns to children or adults.WARNING%HVXUHDOOFRQWUROVDUHRIIDQGDOOVXUIDFHVDUHFRROEHIRUHFOHDQLQJDQ\SDUWRIWKHUDQJHControl KnobsThe control knobs may be removed for easier cleaning.Make sure the knobs are in the OFF positions and pullthem straight off the stems for cleaning.The knobs can be cleaned in a dishwasher or they mayalso be washed with soap and water. Make sure theinside of the knobs are dry before replacing.Replace the knobs, in the OFF position to ensure properplacement.Control LockoutIf desired, the touch pads may be deactivated beforecleaning.6HH+RZWR/RFN2XWWKH&RQWUROVLQWKH8VLQJWKHFORFNkitchen timer and control lockout section in this manual.Clean up splatters with a damp cloth.You may also use a glass cleaner.Remove heavier soil with warm, soapy water. Do not useabrasives of any kind.Reactivate the touch pads after cleaning.Control PanelIt’s a good idea to wipe the control panel after each use.Clean with mild soap and water or vinegar and water,rinse with clean water and polish dry with a soft cloth.Do not use abrasive cleansers, strong liquid cleansers,plastic scouring pads or oven cleaners on the controlSDQHO²WKH\ZLOOGDPDJHWKHILQLVKOven ExteriorDo not use oven cleaners, abrasive cleansers, strongliquid cleansers, steel wool, plastic scouring pads, orcleaning powders on the interior or exterior of the oven.Clean with a mild soap and water or vinegar and watersolution. Rinse with clean water and dry with a soft cloth.When cleaning surfaces, make sure that they are atroom temperature and not in direct sunlight.If stain on the door vent trim is persistent, use a mildabrasive cleaner and a sponge-scrubber for best results.Spillage of marinades, fruit juices, tomato sauces andbasting liquids containing acids may cause discolorationand should be wiped up immediately. Let hot surfacescool, then clean and rinse.Painted SurfacesPainted surfaces include the sides of the range and thedoor, top of control panel and the drawer front. Cleanthese with soap and water or a vinegar and water solution.Do not use commercial oven cleaners, cleaning powders,steel wool or harsh abrasives on any painted surface.Stainless Steel Surfaces (on some models)Do not use a steel wool pad; it will scratch the surface.To clean the stainless steel surface, use warm sudsywater or a stainless steel cleaner or polish. Always wipethe surface in the direction of the grain. Follow the cleanerinstructions for cleaning the stainless steel surface.To inquire about purchasing cleaning products includingstainless steel appliance cleaner or polish read theAssistance and Accessories sections at the beginning ofthis manual.Porcelain Enamel CooktopThe porcelain enamel finish is sturdy but breakable ifmisused. This finish is acid-resistant. However, any acidicfoods spilled (such as fruit juices, tomato or vinegar)should not be permitted to remain on the finish.If acids spill on the cooktop while it is hot, use a dry papertowel or cloth to wipe it up right away. When the surfacehas cooled, wash with soap and water. Rinse well.For other spills such as fat spatterings, wash with soapand water or cleansing powders after the surface hascooled. Rinse well. Polish with a dry cloth.