10 49-80700-21. Traditional Cooking Modes: Your oven hasWKHIROORZLQJWUDGLWLRQDOFRRNLQJPRGHV%DNHDQG%URLO+L/R6HHWKH&RRNLQJ0RGHVVHFWLRQIRUPRUHinformation.2. Self Clean: See the Cleaning the Oven section forimportant information about using this mode.3. Start: Must be pressed to start any cooking,cleaning, or timed function.4. Cancel/Off: Cancels ALL oven operations exceptthe clock and timer.5. Cook Time: Counts down cooking time and turnsoff the oven when the cooking time is complete. Pressthe Cook Time pad, use the +/- pads to program acooking time in hours and minutes, then press Start.7KLVFDQRQO\EHXVHGZLWK%DNH6. Clock: Sets the oven clock time. Press the SetClock pad and the +/- pads to program the clock.Press Start to save the time.7. Timer: Works as a countdown timer. Press theTimer pad and the +/- pads to program the time inhours and minutes. Press the Start pad. The timercountdown is complete. To turn the timer off press theTimer pad.8. Delay Time: Delays when the oven will turn on.8VHWKLVWRVHWDWLPHZKHQ\RXZDQWWKHRYHQWRVWDUWPress the Delay Time pad and use the +/- pads toprogram the time of day for the oven to turn on thenpress Start. Press the desired cooking mode andtemperature then press Start. A cook time may alsobe programmed if desired. Follow the directions underCook Time for setting this feature. This can only beXVHGZLWK%DNHDQG6HOI&OHDQNOTE: When using the delay time feature, foods thatVSRLOHDVLO\²VXFKDVPLONHJJVILVKVWXIILQJVSRXOWU\DQGSRUN²VKRXOGQRWEHDOORZHGWRVLWIRUPRUHWKDQ1 hour before or after cooking. Room temperatureSURPRWHVWKHJURZWKRIKDUPIXOEDFWHULD%HVXUHWKDWthe oven light is off because heat from the bulb willspeed harmful bacteria growth.9. Oven Light: Turns the oven light on or off.10. Lock Controls: Locks out the control so thatpressing the pads does not activate the controls. Pressand hold the +/- pads for three seconds to lock orunlock the control. Cancel/Off is always active, evenwhen the control is locked.Oven ControlsUSING THE RANGE: Oven Controls101 3 672 894 5