49-85209-1 11Do not use stove top grillsSurface Burners (Cont.)USING THE COOKTOP: Surface BurnersTop-of-Range CookwareAluminum: Medium-weight cookware is recommendedbecause it heats quickly and evenly. Most foods brownevenly in an aluminum skillet. Use saucepans with tight-fitting lids when cooking with minimum amounts of water.Stainless Steel: This metal alone has poor heatingproperties and is usually combined with copper,aluminum or other metals for improved heat distribution.Combination metal skillets usually work satisfactorily ifthey are used with medium heat as the manufacturerrecommends.Cast-Iron: If heated slowly, most skillets will givesatisfactory results.Enamelware: Under some conditions, the enamel of somecookware may melt. Follow cookware manufacturer’srecommendations for cooking methods.Glass: There are two types of glass cookware—thosefor oven use only and those for top-of-range cooking(saucepans, coffee and teapots). Glass conducts heatvery slowly.Heatproof Glass Ceramic: Can be used for either surfaceor oven cooking. It conducts heat very slowly and cools veryslowly. Check cookware manufacturer’s directions to besure it can be used on gas ranges.Stove Top GrillsDo not use an after-market stove top grill on your gassurface burners. A stove top grill will cause incompletecombustion resulting in carbon monoxide levels aboveallowable standards. This could be hazardous to yourhealth.Using a WokUse only a flat-bottomed wok with a diameter of 14 inchesor less. Make sure the wok bottom sits flat on the grate.Do not use a wok support ring. Placing the ring over theburner or grate may cause the burner to work improperly,resulting in carbon monoxide levels above allowablestandards. This could be hazardous to your health.In Case of a Power FailureIn case of a power failure, you can light the surfaceburners on your range with a match. Hold a lit matchto the burner ports, then slowly turn the control knob tothe LITE position. Use extreme caution when lightingburners this way.Surface burners in use when an electrical power failureoccurs will continue to operate normally. If Lock Control(on some models) is in use at the time of a power failure,the surface burners cannot be lit.Use a flat-bottomed wok.