2Precautions of UseThe quality of communication depends on the location andenvironment of the base and the handset. The 21825 must be keptaway from sources of excessive heat (radiators, direct sunlight, etc.)and protected against vibrations and dust. Never allow your telephoneto come into contact with water or other liquids or with aerosols. Toreduce the risk of interference and optimize reception, take particularcare to keep it away from the immediate vicinity of windows, largemetal objects, reinforced concrete, televisions, music centres, halogenlamps or heating devices, fluorescent lighting, burglar alarms,microwave ovens, computers, etc.To clean the 21825, use a lightly moistened antistatic clothInformation for DECT product:The 21825 telephone is compliant with the DECTTM * standard. It isdesigned to transmit and receive telephone calls and be connected tothe public telephone “Country” network.*DECT is a trademark registered by ETSI.SafetyIn the event of danger, the mains adaptor acts as 230V powerisolating device. It should therefore, as a precaution, be installedclose to the appliance and be easily accessible.If the mains adaptor fails, it must be replaced by an identical model.If not connected to the mains power or if there is a mains powerfailure, installations with cordless handsets will no longer work. Youwill then be unable to make or receive calls in the event of anemergency. This is why we recommend that you also have aconventional telephone as a backup. The appliance is designed forconnection to an analogue telephone line class TRT3(telecommunications network voltage).! Do not use your telephone to notify a gas leak when you are inthe vicinity of the leak.It is recommended that you avoid using this device during electricalstorms.Thomson Telecom hereby declares that the 21825 conforms to theessential requirements and other applicable provisions of Europeandirective 1999/5/CE.IMPORTANT: Because cordless phones operate on electricity, youshould have one phone in your home that isn’t cordless, in case thepower in your home goes out.WARNING:TO PREVENT FIRE OR ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD, DONOT EXPOSE THIS PROCUCT TO RAIN OR MOISTURE.THE LIGHTINGFLASH ANDARROW HEADWITHIN THETRIANGLE IS AWARNING SIGNALERTING YOUOF “DANGEROUSVOLTAGE”INSIDE THEPRODUCT.CAUTION: TOREDUCE THE RISK OFELECTRICAL SHOCK,DO NOT REMOVECOVER (OR BACK).NO USERSERVICEABLE PARTSINSIDE. REFERSERVICING TOQUALIFIED SERVICEPERSONNEL.THEEXCLAMATIONWITHIN THETRIANGLE ISWARNING SIGNALERTING YOUOF IMPORTANTINSTRUCTIONSACCOMPANYING THEPRODUCT.SEE MARKING ON BOTTOM / BACK OF PRODUCT