232001260G(10)1117.2 SmartGUARD Fire Alarm OptionLaser cutting and engraving operations using the SmartGUARD system protects the operator,machine, and the work products from potential fire hazards. During the engraving process, flamingmay occur when working with combustible or easily-flammable materials, such as paper or wood. TheSmartGUARD Fire Alarm is a pre-installed optional item that can be set to notify the operator throughaudio warnings and automatically shutdown the current operation. Note that SmartGUARD is not afire extinguisher, but a fire detecting and alarm system.INSTALLATION:If you have purchased your system with the SmartGUARD option, then no installation is required, asyour system will arrive with the SmartGUARD pre-installed.For system owners that did not initially purchase this option, but would now like to add theSmartGUARD, then you will need to contact the local authorized GCC distributor to have this greatfeature installed. The installation process of the SmartGUARD fire alarm is complicated and notrecommended to be performed by the end user.Exhaust HoseConnector