Owner's Manual-5-Various notes. These are necessary instructions to ensure correct use of the mo-torcycle’s control and adjustment operations, and guarantee its safekeeping andmaintenance, enabling you to enjoy the satisfaction of a motorcycle in optimumcondition.Warranty termsThe aim of this manual is to help the user to minimize and avoid possible dam-age to people, property, the environment and, of course, the new motorcycle. Forthis, all of the information set out is based on data obtained from the most recentrange of the brand available just before printing. GAS GAS does, however, reservethe right to make changes without prior notice to the consumer and without incur-ring any kind of liability. Your nearest dealer will also help to provide you with anyinformation you need.Warranty manual(In accordance with Law 23/2003 of 10 July concerning Warranties in the Sale ofConsumer Goods)The manufacturer GAS GAS’s warranty rulesThe GAS GAS (hereinafter GG) brand hereby guarantees to the end consumer/purchaser of the vehicle manufactured by GG that both the materials and themanufacture are free from defects in accordance with the highest qualitystandards. Consequently, GG hereby warrants to the final purchaser(hereinafter the "purchaser"), in accordance with the conditions set forth below,the repair of any defects in materials or workmanship detected on a newmotorcycle free of charge within the warranty period and without any limitationas to the number of kilometres travelled or the number of hours of operation.Warranty periodThe warranty period shall commence on the day of delivery of the vehicle tothe purchaser by a GG authorized dealer, or in the case of demonstration models,on the date the vehicle first starts operating. The seller is liable for any lack ofconformity which becomes manifest within the time period established under Law23/2003 of 10 July on Warranties in the Sale of Consumer Goods from the time ofdelivery and in accordance with Directive 1999/44/EC for the rest of the MemberStates of the European Community.For countries outside the European Community, the warranty period will begoverned by the rules in force in those countries. However, if the lack ofconformity becomes apparent during the first six months from the date ofdelivery of the motorcycle, it is presumed that this fault existed when it wasdelivered; from the sixth month, the consumer must prove that the non-conformity existed at the time of delivery of the goods.Important notice