EXAMPLEApplication Setting Wiring Operation exampleWhen controllingthe individualoperation stateswith two externalcontactMODE0P1: Arbitraryoperation stateContact OFF→ONP2: Arbitraryoperation stateContact OFF→ONOthers setting arearbitrary.Whencontrollingoperation byON or OFF ofan externalcontact switchMODE1P1 : Arbitraryoperation stateP2 : Arbitraryoperation stateOthers setting arearbitrary.When operatingin the state setwhen an externalcontact switchwas set to ONand returningto the originaloperation statewhen the switchwas set to OFFMODE1 or 0P1 : SETBACKP2 : Arbitraryoperation stateOthers setting arearbitrary.When operated inthe state when anexternal contactswitch was set toOFF and returnedto originaloperation stateMODE1 or 0P1 : Arbitraryoperation stateP2 : SETBACKOthers setting arearbitrary.When atemperature sensorswitch is connectedand cooling andheating switching isperformed.MODE2P1 : ON, COOL orHEATP2 : ON, COOL orHEATOperation conditions:Unit operationg onlyOthers setting arearbitrary.An external switch controlleris connected to all the indoorunits of the same refrigerantsystem and cooling andheating are switched by onetemperature sensor.When preventingchattering noisewithin 1 minute ofthe external contactswitch.MODE1Delay-time setting:DelayP1 : Arbitraryoperation stateP2 : Arbitraryoperation stateOthers setting arearbitrary.IndoorunitExternalSW controllerExternalcontact 1Externalcontact 2SW1 ONOFFSW2 ONOFFOperation state ONOFFP1P1 : ON, COOL, 26°C P2 : OFFP2COOL26 °CIndoorunitExternalSW controllerExternalcontact 1P1 : OFF P2 : ON, COOL, 26°CMODE1, P1 : SETBACK P2 : ON, COOL, 26°CSW1 ONOFFSW1 ONOFFOperation stateOperation stateP2P2P1P1ONONOFFOFFCOOL26 °CCOOL26 °CExternalSW controllerExternalcontact 1COOL26 °CCOOL23 °CCOOL23 °CIndoorunitExternalSW controllerExternalcontact 1IndoorunitMODE1, P1 : ON, COOL, 26°CP2 : When SETBACKSW1Operation stateONOFFCOOL26 °C COOL23 °CCOOL23 °COFFONP1 P2IndoorunitThermal sensor SWP1 : ON, COOL, 26°CP2 : ON, HEAT, 21°CSW1Operation stateONOFFHEAT21 °C COOL26 °CCOOL23 °COFFONP2 P1ExternalSW controllerExternalcontact 1IndoorunitCOOL26 °CP1 : OFF P2 : ON, COOL, 26 °CSW1Operation stateONOFFP2ON P11min 1min- (05 - 127) -CONTROLSYSTEMCONTROLSYSTEM