Page 1 of 6PSB.2012.01.001EPSON PRODUCT SUPPORT B ULLETINDate: 08/04/2011 Originator: TCPSB #: PSB.2012.01.001 Authorization:Reference: TE11-0128 Rev. A Total Pages: 6Product(s): Epson P-6000 and P-7000 Multimedia Photo ViewersSubject: Firmware Update 2.60This bulletin was created to inform you of a firmware update to version 2.60 for the P-6000/P-7000 multimedia viewers. The updated firmware adds a feature and corrects the followingissues as outlined below.Description of Change:The firmware has been updated to 02.60. This firmware update adds new DSLR camerasupport for the tethering feature and RAW processing---see complete list of compatiblecameras in the following sections. This firmware release includes all modifications incorporatedinto previous versions up to and including v.2.51.Important Notes:If your viewer has firmware 1.57 to 2.51 you can update directly to 2.60--see list below.01.57.7431-0110-0200-011201.71.7506-0110-0200-011202.05.0111-0110-0200-011202.05.0111-0110-0200-012102.40.0179-0110-0200-012102.51.0325-0110-0200-0123The following older firmware versions must first be updated to version 1.57 before updating tofirmware 2.60:01.29.6838-0108-0107-011201.30.7099-0108-0107-011201.31.7104-0108-0107-0112Note: Once the firmware has been updated to version 1.57, you cannot install an earlierversion of firmware – see list below.01.29.6838-0108-0107-011201.30.7099-0108-0107-011201.31.7104-0108-0107-0112NOTE: The [Delete all cache files] function should be performed after the update or elseRAW files that were cached before the update may not display correctly. The steps to performthis function are discussed later in this bulletin.