INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS | SmART LINE BOILINg PANEN | 10-2018 DOC N° ST0 9183-02 17SPECIFICATIONS11. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS(Sm6B) SmartBoiling pan without agitator(Sm6V) Smart VariomixBoiling pan with Variomix agitator(Sm6P) Smart Promix®Boiling pan with Promix® agitator(SV6I) Smart Variomix ICEBoiling pan with Variomix agitator and option icewater cooling(SP6I) Smart Promix® ICEBoiling pan with Promix® agitator and option icewater cooling11.1 Electrically heated boiling pans, 400V 3N~50Hz*PNC model VolumeLHeatingkWTiltingmotorkWAgitatormotorkWTotalpowerkWmax.PhasecurrentARec.fuseAmax.fuseA232218 Sm6B50 50 15.0 0.19 - 15.0 22 25 50232223 Sm6V50 50 15.0 0.19 0.75 15.8 27 32 50232149 Sm6V80 80 22.5 0.19 0.75 23.3 38 40 50232219 Sm6B100 100 22.5 0.19 - 22.5 33 35 50232224 Sm6V100 100 22.5 0.19 1.5 24.0 39 40 50232228 Sm6P100 100 22.5 0.19 2.2 24.7 39 40 50232220 Sm6B150 150 30.0 0.37 - 30.0 44 50 63232225 Sm6V150 150 30.0 0.37 1.5 31.5 50 50 63232229 Sm6P150 150 30.0 0.37 2.2 32.2 50 50 63232221 Sm6B200 200 37.5 0.37 - 37.5 55 63 100232226 Sm6V200 200 37.5 0.37 2.2 39.7 62 63 100232230 Sm6P200 200 37.5 0.37 3.0 40.5 66 80 100232222 Sm6B300 300 50.0 0.37 - 50.0 73 80 100232227 Sm6V300 300 50.0 0.37 2.2 52.2 80 80 100232231 Sm6P300 300 50.0 0.37 3.0 53.0 84 100 100* The connection lead may be at most 32 mm² to have room in the connection terminals.11.2 Electrically heated boiling pans, 400V 3N~50Hz*, with optional dualelectrical connectionPNC modelVolumeLHeatingkWTiltingmotorkWAgitatormotorkWTotalpowerkWmax.PhasecurrentARec.fuseAmax.fuseAQ1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2232222 + 928159 Sm6B300 300 50.0 0.37 - 25 25 36 36 40 40 63 63232226 + 928160 Sm6V200 200 37.5 0.37 2.2 25 25 36 25 40 32 63 63232227 + 928160 Sm6V300 300 50.0 0.37 2.2 25 27.2 36 43 40 50 63 63232230 + 928160 Sm6P200 200 37.5 0.37 3.0 25 15.5 36 29 40 32 63 63232231 + 928160 Sm6P300 300 50.0 0.37 3.0 25 28 36 47 40 50 63 63* The connection lead may be at most 32 mm² to have room in the connection terminals.11.3 Steam heated boiling pans, 230V 1N~50Hz*PNC model VolumeLHeatingkg/hTiltingmotorkWAgitatormotorkWTotalpowerkWmax.PhasecurrentARec.fuseAmax.fuseA232232 Sm6B50S 50 24 0.19 - 0.2 2 10 16232233 Sm6B100S 100 36 0.19 - 0.2 2 10 16* The connection lead may be at most 6 mm² to have room in the connection terminals.