ENGLISH 35Loosen or tighten the feet to adjustthe level. A correct adjustment ofthe appliance level prevents thevibration, noise and the movementof the appliance when in operation.When the washing machine islevelled, try to rock it from cornerto corner. If it does rock, adjust thelegs again until it is levelled anddoes not rock.12. Put the plastic caps in the holes.You can find these caps in theuser manual bag.Use a spirit level on the top andside of the washing machine tocheck the levels.If you do not have a spirit level, as aguide use the edge of a door frame,cupboard or bench to check thatthe washing machine is level.It is important that your washingmachine stands firm and levelon the floor to ensure correctoperation.11.2 PositioningThat the appliance must not beinstalled behind a lockable door, asliding door or a door with a hingeon the opposite side to that of thewashing machine door is restricted.123