ENGLISH 21Low sudsing detergent is requiredfor this washing machine to preventoversudsing problems, unsatisfiedwashing result and harm to themachine. Low sudsing detergentsdesigned for front load washingmachines are labelled “Front Loading”,“high efficiency”, “HE”, such as ColdPower for Front Loaders or “Matic”.Detergents Type and Quantity ofDetergentDo not use wrong types of detergent,such as Top Loading, Handwashdetergent or Soap-Based products inyour frontload washing machine. Thiscan result in excessive suds, longer cycletime, low spin speeds, poor rinsing andoverloading of the motor.6.6The choice and quantity ofdetergent will depend on ;type of fabric (delicates, woollens,cottons, etc.) ;degree of soiling ;size of the load ;washing temperature ; andhardness of the water used.the colour of clothes ;Information on hardness of the waterin your area can be obtained from therelevant water supply company, orfrom your local authority.You may have to try using thedetergent quantity as per the productmanufacturers’ instructions thencompare the washing result to the listbelow and adjust the amount ofdetergent for the next time accordingly.Water hardness is classified byso-called “degrees” of hardness.NOTE:Use only low sudsing front loadtype detergents and REDUCEthe amount of detergent ifoversudsing occurs.Due to the “JetMix System” feature,which enhances detergentactivation, you can SAVE ONDETERGENT dosage. It isrecommended to use only half theamount of your usual detergent. IfSUD is full on glass door oroverfoaming occurs, it means thedetergent dosage is still abovethe necessary quantity. In such asituation, please reduce thedosage accordinglyThe choice of detergent and use ofcorrect quantities not only affects yourwashing performance, but helps to avoidwaste and protect the environment.Quantity of detergent to beusedAlthough biodegradable, detergentscontain substances which, in largequantities, can upset the delicatebalance of nature.the washload to turn grey,greasy clothes.sudsing,inadequate rinsing.reduced washing effect,Not enough washing powdercauses:Too much washing powder causes:you are washing a small load,large amounts of foam duringwashing.the laundry is lightly soiled,Use less detergent if: