10 www.electrolux.com3.15 Programs + OptionsProgram;TemperatureCottons;90 °C to(Cold water)White and colouredcotton with heavy levelof soil;max. load 10 kg.- Wash- Rinses- Long spin ActiveActiveActiveActiveNoActiveSpin: 1400 to 400 rpm,No Spin, Rinse Hold,Extra Silent,Spin: 1200 to 400 rpm,No Spin, Rinse Hold,Extra Silent,Spin: 1200 to 400 rpm,No Spin, Rinse Hold,Extra Silent,Spin: 1400 to 400 rpm,No Spin, Rinse Hold,Spin: 800 to 400 rpm,No Spin, Rinse Hold,Prewash, Easy Iron, Rinse +,Vapour1), Adjust Time,Delay StartType of load; Max. weightof load (dry clothes)CycledescriptionOptions can becombined“JetMix”( )Mixed;60 °C to(Cold water)Synthetic or mixedfabric items with normallevel of soil;max. load 4 kg.- Wash- Rinses- Short spinPrewash, Easy Iron, Rinse +,Vapour 1) , Adjust Time,Delay StartDelicates;40 °C to(Cold water)Quick 18;30 °CRefreshCottonsDelicate fabrics asacrylics, viscose,polyester items withnormal soil;max. load 4 kg- Wash- Rinses- Short spinPrewash, Rinse +, Vapour 1),Adjust Time, Delay StartSynthetic and mixedfabric items. Light soiland items to freshenup; max. load 1.5 kg- Wash- Rinses- Short spinVapour program for Whiteand coloured cotton. Thiscycle removes odours andhelps to dewrinkle thelaundry; max. load 1.5 kg.Clothestumble invapour.Delay StartDelay StartEnergySaver;60 °C 2),40 °CWhite and colourfast,cotton with normal soil.Set this program to have agood washing results anddecrease the energyconsumption. The time ofthe washing program isextended; max. load 10 kg.- Wash- Rinses- Long spin Prewash, Rinse +, Vapour 1),Adjust Time, Delay Start-3.14 Buzzer SoundsThe program is completed.The appliance has a malfunction.The buzzer sounds operate when:press “Rinse +” and “Vapour” touchpadsat the same time for 3 seconds, and listenfor “BEEP, BEEP”.If you want to disable the buzzer sound(except for event of appliance malfunction),To return to default configuration pressthese 2 touchpads at the same time for 3seconds, and listen for “BEEP”.