Electrolux 11 Series Operating Instructions Manual
10Pre paring for useBe fore using for th e first tim e , it is advisablefor re asons or h ygie ne to cle an th e m ixingattach m e nt. D ry th e m ixing attach m e nt w e llbe fore using it.Inse rting/re m oving th e m ixing attach m e nt(Figure 3)Be fore inse rting or re le asing th e m ixingattach m e nt, sw itch off th e ble nde r andre m ove th e plug from th e m ains sock e t!Inse rt th e m ixing attach m e nt to th e m otorpart and lock it by turning clock w ise .Tor re m ove , unlock th e m ixing attach m e nt byturning it anticlock w ise .W ork ing w ith th e ble nde rTh e appliance can be use d for up to 1 m inutew ith out stopping. It sh ould be allow e d to coolafte rw ards for at le ast 1 m inute .Im portant: Blade s are ve ry sh arp, h andlew ith care . Ensure th at th e h and- h e ld ble nde ris unplugge d from th e pow e r outle t be foreasse m bling or re m oving attach m e nts.Inse rt th e ble nde r de e p into th e bow l, th e npre ss sw itch A (for spe e d I) or sw itch B (forspe e d II) (Figure 2).Start alltype s of proce ssing at spe e d I. Th isw illavoid pow de ry foods and liq uids sprayingout.Ligh t upw ard and dow nw ard m ove m e nts ofth e ble nde r pe rm it th e m ate rialbe ing w ork e don to be h andle d in th e be st possible w ay.Ple ase m ak e sure th at:– th e m ixing attach m e nt ne ve r h as m oreth an tw o- th irds of its le ngth im m e rse d inth e m ate rial,– th e m ixing bow lis ne ve r m ore th an tw o-th irds full(to avoid th e dange r of splash e s).W ork ing w ith th e ch oppe r(ESTM 1155) Figure 4.M ax ope ration duration unde r h igh spe e d pe rtim e cannot e xce e d 1 m inute , and 1 m inutere st tim e m ust be m aintaine d at tw oconse cutive cycle s.Place th e ch oppe r bow lon a cle an, le ve lsurface .Asse m ble th e stainle ss ste e lblade into th ech oppe r bow l, as sh ow n in position A.Place food into th e ch oppe r bow l.Note : re m ove th e bone of th e m e at, cutsm allpie ce (approxim ate ly 10- 15 m m ), th e nplace th e m e at into th e bow l, th e m axq uantity of m e at can’t e xce e d 200g in e ve ryble nding.Attach th e lid onto th e ch oppe r bow landturn it in clock w ise dire ction untilit lock s intoposition (se e position B).To de tach th e lid,turn in adve rse dire ction.Inse rt th e top part of th e ch oppe r into th eh ole of th e ch oppe r lid, and turn in clock w isedire ction to lock (se e position C).Plug th e appliance to pow e r outle t andde pre ss th e sw itch to be gin ope ration.To stop th e appliance , re le ase th e sw itch atth e top of th e m otor unit.Caution: To re duce th e risk of injury, ne ve rplace cutting blade on base w ith out firstputting bow lprope rly in place .Be sure ch oppe r lid is se cure ly lock e d in placebe fore ope rating appliance .W ork ing w ith th e e gg w h ite be ate r(ESTM 1155) Figure 5.M ax ope ration duration unde r h igh spe e d pe rtim e cannot e xce e d 1 m inute , and 1 m inutere st tim e m ust be m aintaine d at tw oconse cutive cycle s.To asse m ble th e e gg w h ite be ate r w ith th em otor unit, turn th e m otor unit clock w isedire ction untiltigh te ne d. To disasse m ble , turnin th e adve rse dire ction (se e position A).Plug th e h and- h e ld ble nde r to pow e r outle t.Place e gg w h ite into th e cup, ge ne rally, puttw o e gg w h ite is e nough (se e position B).Low e r th e h and- h e ld ble nde r into food andde pre ss th e sw itch at th e top of th e m otorunit (se e position C).To stop th e h and- h e ld ble nde r re le ase th esw itch at th e top of th e m otor unit. |
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