English 19OperationsOperationsControl panel01 11 03 02 04 05 06 07 08 09 10121213131301 Fridge / Power Cool 02 Freezer / Power Freeze03 FreshZone 04 Cocktail Ice05 Standard Ice 06 Filter Reset07 Deodorizer Reset 08 Door Alarm / °C °F09 Override 10 Control Lock11 Network connection 12 Sabbath mode13 Cooling OffNOTE• When you change the temperature on the panel, the panel displays the actualtemperature inside the refrigerator until the temperature matches the temperature youset. Then, the panel displays the new set temperature. Note that it will take time for therefrigerator to reach the new temperature. This is normal. During this time, you neednot set the temperature again.• If no button is input for 10 seconds after Control Lock is deactivated, the display willturn off except for the Control Lock button. To turn the display on, press Control Lockagain.• If the control panel has put moisture or liquid on its surface, it may fail. Wipe themoisture or liquid using a dry cloth, and then try again.