D-Link DWC-1000 User Manual382Section 10 - TroubleshootingAuthentication with SMTPServerIf E-Mail Logs is enabled, select an authentication if the SMTP server requiresauthentication before accepting connections. Choices are:• None = no authentication is used. The User Name and Password fields are notavailable.• Login Plain = authentication used to log in using Base64-encoded passwordsover non-encrypted communication session. Base64-encoded passwords offerno cryptographic protection, making them vulnerable.• CRAM-MD5 = a challenge-response authentication mechanism defined in RFC2195 based on the HMAC-MD5 MAC algorithm. CRAM-MD5 offers a higher levelof authentication than Login Plain.Field DescriptionUser Name If Authentication with SMTP Server is set to Login Plain or CRAM-MD5, enter the username to be used for authentication.Enable TlsIf the SMTP server requires Tls support to sent logs through emails, then this optionshould be enabled, and this field is available only for authentication methods PlainLogin or CRAM-MD5.Password If Authentication with SMTP Server is set to Plain Login or CRAM-MD5, enter thecase-sensitive password to be used for authentication.Respond to Identd from SMTPIf E-Mail Logs is enabled, this option determines whether the wireless controllerresponds to IDENT requests from the SMTP server. Choices are:• ON = wireless controller responds to an IDENT request from the SMTP server.• OFF = wireless controller ignores IDENT requests from the SMTP server.Send E-Mail Logs by ScheduleTo receive e-mail logs according to a schedule, configure the appropriate schedule settings. Scheduling options areenabled when the Enable E-Mail Logs option is checked.UnitSelect the period of time that you need to send the log. This option is useful when youdo not want to receive logs by e-mail, but want to keep e-mail options configured,so you can use the Send Log function Event Log viewer pages. Choices are:• Never = disable sending of logs.• Hourly = send logs every hour.• Daily = send logs every day at the specific time.• Weekly = send logs weekly, at the Day and Time specified.Day If Unit is set to Weekly, select the day when logs will be sent.Time If Unit is set to Daily or Weekly, select the time when logs will be sent.