42D-Link DIR-615 User ManualSection 4 - ConfigurationPPPoE Dual StackSelect PPPoE Dual Stack if your ISP provides and requires you to entera PPPoE username and password in order to connect to the Internet andsupports adding IPv6 access to PPP for IPv4. Choose Basic configuration or AllSettings.BasicMAC address: The default MAC address is set to the Internet port’s physical interfaceMAC address on the router. You can edit that address manually here.Clone MACaddress of yourNIC:Toggle this switch to clone the MAC address of the device you areusing to access the web UI. Note that no two MAC address within thesame subnet can be the same.Restore DefaultMAC Address:Click here to restore your router's default MAC address.Withoutauthorization:Enable this setting to connect without a username and password.This configuration is uncommon and is disabled by default.Username: If Without authorization is disabled, specify the PPP usernameprovided by your ISP.Password: If Without authorization is disabled, specify the PPP passwordprovided by your ISP.Service name: Specify the ISP service name (optional).Get IPv6: Choose Automatically, IPv6 by DHCPv6, by SLAAC, or DHCPv6 PDaccording to the type of IPv6 is used by your ISP. The default settingis Automatically.Click Apply when you are done.