OPERATION11. FLOODINGTo dear engine of excess fu el, move choke leverto "Off_' position and throttle ]ever to halfthrottle position: Pu|l recoil :starter= handteuntil engine starts andcontinues to,run; _,12, CARBURETOR--ADJUSTMENTSa, Your motor has:a:fixedhigh speed jet. TheIdte Adjustment has been:'p_eset =at thefactory. (SeeFigure 9).b, ',Peribdica|iY_checkfilzerfor=dJrt by unscrew°:in'g Sediment Bow _ ; 1:i "13. PROPELLER SHEAR PIN & COTTERPIN HOLDERa. The Sheer Pin is used for the purpose ofprotecting the Drive Train and Gears. TheSheer Pin witl no,, prevent the propeller :_Figure9from becoming.. damaged when:_striking an .under_ ._ater object,: When shear. pin .is ...."broken. the engine:: will:_€0n_in_e'i tO run, !:_however, the propelte? WiiJ_n0t be r0'tating.: ::CAUTION ]Stop engine immediately after shearing lpin _o avoid possible damage.to lhe engine. Ib_ To replace shear pin, shut off motor,remove cotter pin with needle nose pliersan d slip off propeller. (See Figure 10 & 11 ).e. Reptace with new shear pin located in shear_in and cotter pin holder on steering handle.CARBURETORNLET 8OLTFigure 10Figure l I