MODEL NO.298.586190::Foi _ q_iick :service or repair, take your Outboard .....Motor t o any: Sears Service Unit throughout theU.S. and Canada., Each Service Unit is staffedby trained technicians, using Sears approved .parts and repair procedures to ensure that we .meet our pledge to youJ'We service what weSell." Refe_ to the Iocat telephone directory for •the Sears Unit nearest you, .HOWTOOROER.EPAmPARTS.....Refer 'to the identification Plate for the'chin- " ,plete mode! number when requesting service orreplacement parts for your outboard motor.-..... Warranty Service is avail_able by simplyAll parts ]isted herein may beordered from. returning the out,board motor Or etec-ahy Sears, Roebuck and Co.WHEN....... ORDERING REPAPR PARTS, AL-WAY£ GIVE THE FOLLOWING INFORMA,TION! : ::_:1, Model:Number 3. Part NamePart Number 4, QuantityIf the parts You need are not stocked locally,your order will be electronically transmittedto a Sears Repair Parts Distribution Center for: ::expedited handling,FULL ONE YEARWARRANTYONOUTBOARDMOTORFor one year from the first day of use of :this outboard motor, when all instruc-tions and procedures detailed in theOwner's Manual are followed, Searswill repair defects in material or :workmanship which appear in the oui_ -_:board motor, free of charge,If the outboard motor is used for com-mercial or rental purposes, this war-ranty applies for only thirty days fromthe first, day of use,tronic trollin 9 motor to the nearest Searsservice center in the United States OrCanada. Warranty iS valid in country ofpurchase.This warranty gives you specific legalrights, and yoLf may also have otherrights which vary from state to state.SEARS,ROEBUCKAND CO.,DEPARTMENT698/731ASears Tower. Chicago_ lL 60684SEARSCANADAINC.222 Jarvis St. Toronto, Ontario. canada