Craftsman Gamefisher 298.586130 Owner's Manual
MAINTENANCE1. FEATURE INFORMATIONa. This outboard motor has speciaJ designfeatures as shown in Figure 1.b. Your selection of our Marine Products wiltprovide you with many hours of enjoyable coboating, To assure your complete satisfac-tion on the investment you have just made,we ask you to read this manual thoroughlybefore going afloat. Acquaint yourself withthe particular areas of operation on youroutboard motor as you read the step-by-stepprocedures. Keep in mind maximum per-formance is achieved only when the owneror operator is completely familiar with theoperating instructions.c. Periodic servicing win be required. It isrecommended that you consult your SearsService Center when service _s necessary,We witl be happy to extend our facilitiesand assure prompt service.5.2. STEERING HANDLE INSTALLATION a.Remove snap pin and washer 5.from 'steeringhandle, screw handle mounting: bolt in jointpipe holder and stop steering handle, Then pushgroove, at tip of steering handle against handlestopper.Put washer 5 in over handle mounting bolt andinsert snap pin.3. LUBRICATION _ GEAR HOUSINGa. The Gear Housing has been pre-lubricated atthe factory; however, the grease level shouldbe checked as follows using SAE 90 out-board motor grease. (See Figure2). - ....{1) Prior to initial operation.(2) After first four (4) hourSof use.{3) Recheck after every Jiity (50) hoursrunning time,{4} Replace with new lubricant at the endof your outboard motor season. Thisis important, as-it removes any waterfrom the gear housing and preventspossible corrosion to internal parts,b. To Check, Drain 0r Fill gear housing, followthese steps:('1:) Position outboard motor upright, b.(2) Remove drain plug and washer, theninsert nozzle of gear lubricant tubeinto here.(3) Squeeze tube until lubricant is forcedout around tube. co{4) Replace plug and washer. Be sure plug. is.tightened securely;(5) To achieve complete drainage of lubri-cant, remove cotter pin, propeller andshear pin from propeller shaft, also,gear housing cover by unscrewing 2bolts.{6| Wilen lubricant has completely drained,replace parts and refill gear housingusing filling procedure abov e, . .For best results, lubricate propeller shaftwith lithium grease every 30 to 60 days,4, MUFFLER INSPECTIONa. Periodically remove muffler cover bv un.screw,ng screws and inspect for carbonbuild-up inside the muffler inlet and outleI,the exhaust port and the combustionchamber of the cylinder. Excessive carbonwill prevent drawing the maximum powerout of the engine. ISee Figure 3),b. Care should be exercised white cleaningaway carbon to prevent scratches to tilesurface of the engine components and drop-ping carbon insideof crankcase.PROLONGED STORAGETo store your outboard motor for pro*longed storage, prepare outboard as fol-lows:(lJ See paragraph on'stopping procedures.{Ref, I0]{2) When removing outboard motor fromboat, allow all water to drain fromunit.(3| The outboard motor should bemounted on a stand vertically withpower head up for sto(age.(4j Pull starter handle slowly until resist-ance is felt due to compression pres-sure, then stop. Release starter tensionslowly to prevent engine from revers*mg rotation due to compressionpressure, This position will close boththe intake and exhaust ports forstorage.{5) Drain and fill gear housing as outlinedunder Lubrication of Gear Housing.(Ref. 3)(6} Wipe exterior completely with freshwater cloth and then apply light Coat-ing of oil.When starting a new season, always use freshgasoline. Lasl year's gasoline may havevarnish deposits that will plug the carbu-retor jets, thus requiring a c0mpiete over-haul.To plan for the comingseason,we recom-mend you contact your Sears ServiceCenter before the new season for any servicerepair work required, |
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