BEFORE STARTING THE ENGINE (Cont'd.)OPERATING CONTROLSBecome thoroughly familiar with the operating controlsbefore starting the engine.The following controls are used to operate the tractor.\The gear shift lever selects the Forward speeds,NeutraI, and the Reverse positions required.HOW TO START ENGINECAUTION: Before starting the engine, check to seethat eontrois are as fotJows:Transmission gear shift lever, refer to Fig. 6, is inNEUTRAL, In Neutrat the gear shift lever is freeto move forward and backward, tt wit! operate simi-lar to an automobile.FIG. 5The Drive, Ctutch and Broke pedal is shown inFig. 5. This pedal operates a combination brakeand drive dutch. There are three positions ofoperation:a. The tractor is in Drive when the pedal is all theway out--foot removed from pedal.b. The tractor is in Neutral when the pedal is de-pressed half way.c. The Brake is in operation when pedal is pressedoil the way forward.GASOLINE SHUTOFF VALVEFIG_72. Open gasoline shut-off valve located on L.H. sideof gas tank. Refer to Fig. 7. Turn in counter-clockwise direction.\\FIG. 62. The Transmission gear shift leverfront center of seat. Refer to Fig. focated at .FIG.8To start a cold engine, pull out on choke control,refer to Fig. 8.-6-