IMPORTANT -BATTERY CAREProper attention to the battery on units so equippedis of the utmost importance,Your battery is of the same high standard as isused in automobiles. Unfortunately it does not havethe advantage of automatic attention by the servicestation attendant as the one in your car.The folJowing points are recorded to help remind youto provide attention to the battery and gain fulladvantage of the usable life built into the batteryand avoid costly replacements.1. Check solution levei in" battery at least onceeach week, Add distiIled water when requiredto retain the level of 3/t6" over the separators.After adding water, run the engine so that thegenerator charge will mix the solution. DO NOTOVER" FILL RETAIN 3/t6" SOLUTIONABOVE PLATES.2. Keep the battery clean_ Remove any collectionof grease or other substance from the top ofthe battery..4.5_6,7,Keep top of battery clean and dry at all times.Keep battery snug in its cradle or holder.Keep vent caps tight and small vent holes incaps open.If battery should become discharged or fallbelow a specific gravity of 1,225 remove batteryand have it recharged_When recharging, request service station toSLOW CHARGE the battery at a rate of 2to 3 amperes° FAST CHARGlflG IS NOT RE-COMMENDED_WINTER CARE1_ If unit is not used regularly during wintermonths it should be removed and stored ina cool, dry pJace_2. If unit is used only infrequently during wintermonths check at least once each thirty days tobe sure a full charge is maintained.3. A battery not fully charged can freeze result-ing in the necessity to replace.4, A safe rule is to charge the battery monthlyor at least test and recharge if below 1.225specific gravity.Please remember the necessity of proper wintercare for the battery, Batteries not in use for severalmonths and not kept fully charged produce a suJpha-tion of the p_ates which cannot be removed byrecharging.Your guarantee is intended to provide you adequateprotection. It does not, however, cover rechargingor damage resulting from lack of care, freezing orinability to perform after winter or long storageperiods without proper attention.TIRESKeep tires inflated to 15 pounds of air in frontt 8pounds in rear. To repair a punctured tire, front wheelmay be removed by unsnapping "E" ring from frontspindle and sliding washer and front wheel completewith tire from spindle. Remove rear wheel by unscrew-ing three hub bolts from wheel and hub. A local auto°mobile repair station can repair tire in same manneras an automobile,STORAGE INSTRUCTIONSIn the event your tractor is to be inoperative forperiods in excess of 30 days - prepare for storageas outlined below:1, Drain gas tank.2. Drain carburetor by allowing engine to run out of gas-oline. Then push in drain valve under carburetor bowlto remove all gasoline from carburetor. Evaporatinggasoline will leave gum deposits if not drain complete-ly. These deposits make fuel systems inoperative re-suiting in a hard or non-starting engine when againused,3. Do not save or store gasoJine over winter,GENERAL1.e3.Just as your automobile needs professionalmechanical maintenance from time to timerso does your air cooled engine, Cleaning andadjustment of the carburetor and periodic re-placement of the spark plug and ignition pointsis made necessary by NORMAL use.Professional air cooled engine service is asclose as your nearest Sears Store.A yearly check up or tune up by Sears is agood idea to avoid breakdowns or delays . . .Do it each fall_ then you're ready for spring.We even prepare it for storage for you,-15_