TO REPLACE HEADLIGHT BULB1. Raise hood.2. Remove bulb holder from the hole in thebackside of the grill.3. Replace bulb in holder and install bulbholder securely back into the hole in thebackside of the grill.4. Close hood.INTERLOCKS AND RELAYSLoose or damaged wiring may cause yourtractor to run poorly, stop running, or preventit from starting.• Check wiring.TO REPLACE FUSEReplace with 20 amp automotive-type plug-in fuse. The fuse holder is located behindthe dash.SMARTSWITCH IGNITION SYSTEMLIGHTSThe SmartSwitch System is equipped withcourtesy lights that are used to indicatesystem functions or faults.FUNCTIONS• The SmartSwitch Ignition (SSI) Button(F) will blink blue while waiting for thecorrect passcode to be entered. TheSSI button will blink green when tractoris ready to start and remain solid greenwhile running.• The park brake symbol (CC) will be lit ifthe parking brake has not been engagedduring a start attempt.• The blade switch symbol will blink if theattachment clutch control is not in the"DISENGAGED" position during a startattempt.• The Reverse Operation System (ROS)button (G) will be lit when Reverse Op-eration System is in use.• The Headlight button (H) will remain litwhile headlights are in use.• During normal operation, the BatteryIndicator button (I) will not be lit.FAULTS• The SSI Button will blink red for twoseconds if the wrong passcode has beenentered.• The Reverse Operation System (ROS)button will blink when there is a faultwith the Reverse Operation System.See "Reverse Operation System" in theOperation section of this manual.• Afterthe first unsuccessful start attempt,the battery indicator button (I) will blinkfor two (2) seconds and then stay lit. Thisindicates that the battery voltage is belownormal operating level. While engine isin operation, this light may also indicatea charging system failure.• The headlight button will blink when oneor both of the headlight bulbs fail.• All indicator lights will blink in the eventthe engine shuts offfor unknown reasons;for example, if the engine has run out offuel.33