13STORAGETEMPERATURE – Temperatureextremes limit the useful life of thebattery. The best storage place is onethat is cool and dry. Store the toolaway from direct sunlight, heatingpipes, furnaces, etc. Do not storewhere temperatures go below +40 F orabove +120 F.PREVENTING CORROSION -Fertilizers and other garden chemicalscontain compounds that greatlyaccelerate the corrosion of metals. Donot store the appliance on or adjacentto fertilizers or chemicals.ACCESSORIESREPLACEMENT PARTS - Foroptimum cutting results and theassurance of top performance, itis recommended that only SearsCraftsman replacement blades andcutting line be used.WARNING: Use only Craftsmanaccessories and replacement partsavailable from Sears. Use of non-Craftsman accessories could behazardous. Call 1-800-366-PART.BATTERY RECYCLING - To preservenatural resources, please recycle ordispose of this product’s NICKEL-CADMIUM (NiCd) BATTERYproperly. Local, state and federal lawsprohibit disposal of NiCd batteriesin ordinary trash. The manufactureris a participant in the RechargeableBattery Recycling Corporation (RBRC)recycling program. We have paida fee to allow for these batteries tobe properly disposed of via a RBRCcollection site (various retailers arealso RBRC participants). Please callthe RBRC toll free number at (800)822-8837 or visit the RBRC web siteat www.rbrc.com to find a batterycollection center near you.SERVICEIf you see any condition that mayaffect safe operation, or if you haveany questions, contact our customerservice number at:1-800-539-6455Find this and all your other product manuals online.Get answers from our team of home experts.Get a personalized maintenance plan for your home.Find information and tools to help with home projects.NEED MORE HELP?You’ll find the answer and a more on managemyhome.com – for free!