Swlve! pegs are to be used togrip workplace only In cases where theworkplace DOLES NOT extend beyond the surface of theJaws.Figure g =, _:_3+ Close table top Jaws until narrow enough forworkplace, Place workpleoe In vertloal groove inpeg support and tighter table top jaws untilworkplace Is secure. (Sea F3gum 11.)Flgure 11Check cross piece tOsee If It Is In the way.Using Adjustable Peg SupportsYour Clamping Table Is equipped with 2 peg eupportmwith horizontal and vertlcal V-gropves to grip pipes andother round shaped _vorkplecee on the edge of table topJEW+,To Hold Round Workpleces Horizontally1= Push swivel pegs and peg supports Into holes onthe edge of rear Jaw. (See Figure 10.)2. Close table top Jaws untll narrow enough forworl Place workplace In horizontal groovesin peg supports and tighten table top Jaws untilworkple_e Is secure,Figure 10To Hold Round tNorkpieoee Vertically1. Push swivel peg and peg support Into hole on theedge of front Jaw,2. Push swivel peg and peg support into hole in thesame position on edge of rear Jaw.Folding Clamping Tabl e for Storage andCarrying1, Remove any hand tools or parts from stand top andstorage rack, Close the table Jaws together,2, Turn handles countemlockwlse to loosen top. Pivotthe top to the forded posit]on, (See Figure 12.)3+ Tilt stand back slightly onto rear Jags. (See FiguremJ4. Reach down and push front legs backward5. Tighten handles by turning clockwlse.Figure 12To prevent personal injury whileopen]ng or cloBing your ClampingTable, always avoid po0itionlng hands o_ fingers wherethey coulcl get plnohed. PreviousNext |