. Removethe foam pre-filterfrom aroundthe paperair filter. SeeFig. 25. Replacepaperelementwhendirty or damaged.Cleanfoamelementor replacewhendamaged.Air Filter.Figure254. Tocleanfoam element,washin a mildliquid detergentand water.Squeezeor pressthe foam elementto rinseoutdirt and water.Donottwist; this coulddamageor tear thefoam element.Allowtodry thoroughlybeforeusing. DO NOToil the foam element.5. Attachthe newair filter with foamelement,aligningthe hole in theair filter with the intakemanifold.See Fig. 26.Air FilterPlasticFeatureShroud)FeatureFigure27Spark Plug ServiceDONOTcheckfor sparkwith sparkplug removed.DONOT crankenginewith spark plug removed.Toensureproperengineoperation,the spark plug mustbe properlygappedand free of deposits.1. Removethe spark plugboot and usea spark plugwrenchtoremovethe plug.See Fig. 28..Figure26Attachtheair filter cover,makingsureto align plasticrib featureson the shroudto the plasticfeatureson the air filtercover.SeeFig. 27.Turnthumbscrewsclockwiseuntil snug.Checkfor anymisalignment.If the enginehas been running,the mufflerwill be very hot. Be carefulnot to touchthe muffler.R.24.SparkPlugFigure28Visuallyinspectthe sparkplug. Discardthe sparkplug if thereisapparentwear,or if the insulatoris crackedor chipped.Cleanthespark plug with a wirebrushif it is to be reused.