ALTHOUGHYOURINDUSTRIALDOVETAILJIGCOMESASSEMBLED,THEFOLLOWINGASSEM-BLY INSTRUCTIONS ARE BEING INCLUDED FORREFERENCE PURPOSES SHOULD IT BECOMENECESSARY FOR YOU TO DISASSEMBLE ANDREASSEMBLE THE DOVETAIL JIGPROCEED TO THE SECTION ALIGNMENT OFTHE TEMPLATES AND THEN CONTINUE WITHTHE SECTIONS FOLLOWING ALIGNMENT OFTHE TEMPLATESTHE TEMPLATES MUST BE ALIGNED BEFOREANY ROUTING tS TO TAKE PLACETOOLS REQUIRED- A medium sized Phillips screwdSver° A smafl or medium adjustable wrenchASSEMBLY OF THE RIGHT SIDE TEMPLATESUPPORT TO THE DOVETAIL BASE1 Ptace the dovetail base topside down on a fiat surface2 insert one of the 5/16-18 x 2" long round head squareFIGURE 1neck botts into the slot in the right side of the base(NOTE: The right side of the base is identified by thewords RIGHT SIDE molded into it )3 Place a 11/32" t D, x 7/8" OD washer onto the bolt asshown in Figure 14 Thread a 5/16-18 hex nut onto the bolt, as shown, untilit bottoms out against the washer5 Back off the nut from the washer between 1/4 and 1/210_32X 5/8" LONG PANHEADMACHINE SCREWHEXES MUST LINE UP5t16-18 X 2" LONG ROUND HEADSQUARE NECK BOLTt3/64" I D X 9/t6" O D WASHER"" # 10_32 HEX NUT"" BACK OF DoVETAiL BASE