MAKING DRAWERS WITH HALF BLINDRABBETED JOINTSGENERAL PREPARATIONSa The length of the drawer front is 3/4" longer than thetength of the drawer backb The height of the drawer front is 314" higher than theheight of the drawer back and drawer sides• IT tS EXTREMELY iMPORTANT THAT THE TEMPLATEBE PROPERLY ALIGNED WHEN MAKING THESEJOINTS, OR ELSE, IN ADDITION TO THE JOINT SPAC-iNG NOT BEING EQUAL, AS SHOWN 1N FIGURE 60BELOW, THE TOP SURFACES OF THE SIDES, FRONT,AND BACK WILL NOT "LINE-UP" PROPERLY EITHERREFER TO THE SECTION "ALIGNMENT OF THE TEM-PLATES" (Figure 60 illustrates a Flush Dovelail Joint)-All other GENERAL PREPARATIONS, except as notedbelow in the procedure, are the same as those used for"MAKING DRAWERS WITH HALF BLIND FLUSHJ Of NTS"THE PROCEDURE FOR CUTTING CORNERS 1 AND 4IS THE SAME AS THAT USED FOR "MAKING DRAW-ERS WITH HALF BLIND FLUSH JOINTS" EXCEPT° Position BOTH top stop blocks so that the "B" faces themiddle of the base as shown in Figure 56° Use the side of the tempiate that has the longest fingers• Position the template and workpieces as shown inFigure 57 Cut the dovetail as described in the section,MAKING DRAWERS WITH HALF BLIND FLUSH JOINTS• Before gluing the front, back, and sides together,some provision must be made for installing the bot-tom, such as dadoing or cutting a groove around theinside of the drawer parts• Your drawer is now ready to be glued together• Remove the penciI markings by fight sanding or with asoft eraser after the drawer parts have been giuedtogetherFIGURE 56 LEFT TOP STOP BLOCK,/"B" FACES TOWARD MIDDLE OF BASE/-/'B" FAC ES TOWARDOF BASE/ RIGHT TOP STOP BLOCK/// POINTER POINTS TOCENTER GRADUATION\"LEFT FRONT STOP BLOCK \ RIGHT FRONT STOP BLOCKFIGURE 57/ DOVETAIL TEMPLATE FOR_ .......... / HALF BLlND JOINTSCLAMP NaKNOa ii--%n - " ..... I - Z /it / OLAMPINGK.OB_ASHER,_L..__' --m'_._.__---_: ........... _ ..... i .,C,,,TEMPLATEORAOKET36