TROUBLESHOOTINGo If the joint is too loose: INCREASE the depth of cut byINCREASING the amount by which the router bit extendsbeyond the baseplate by t/64" to 1/32" and make a trialcut Continue adjusting until desired joint fit is attained° If the joint is too tight: DECREASE the depth of cut byDECREASING the amount by which the router bit extendsbeyond the baseplate by 1/64" to 1/32" and make a trialcut Continue adjusting until desired joint fit is attained• If the joint is too shallow: Refer to Figure 58 Loosenthe clamping knobs holding the template brackets andmove the template INWARD half the additional deplhneeded by tuming the cam handles Retighten the clamp-ing knobs° If the joint is too deep: Refer to Figure 59 Loosen theclamping knobs holding the template brackets and movethe template OUTWARD by turning the cam handles halfthe distance needed Retighten the clamping knobs° If the joint is not uniformly spaced from top surfaceof drawer: Refer to Figure 60 (See the Section "ALIGN-MENT OF THE TEMPLATES" ) With the template clampedto the base, loosen the four screws securing the templateto the template brackets, and move the template slightly tothe left Tighten the four screws and make a trial cut ifmoving the template to the left did not correct the condi-tion, but made it worse, loosen the screws and move thetemplate to the right a small amount Tighten the fourscrews and make a trial cut Continue moving the templateto the right until the condition is completely correcledMAKE SURE TO SECURELY TIGHTEN THE FOURSCREWS If moving the template to the left improves thecondition, continue moving the template to the left until thecondifion is completely corrected Make sure the templateremains parallel to the front of the dovetail base MAKESURE TO SECURELY TIGHTEN THE FOUR SCREWSAFTER THE TEMPLATES HAVE BEEN CORRECTLYREALIGNED, THEY SHOULD REQUIRE NO FURTHERADJUSTMENTS IF THEY ARE HANDLED WITH CARERGURE 58 - JOINT IS TOO SHALLOWDRAWER FRONTDRAWERBACKFIGURE 59 - JOINT IS TOO DEEPDRAWER FRONT ...DRAWERLEFT SIDEDRAWER _\BACK_- SIDEEXTENDSOUT PASTFRONT_SIDEEXTENDSOUT PASTFRONTBACKEXTENDSOUTPASTSIDEBACKEXTENDSOUT PASTSIDEFIGURE 60 - JOINT SPACING IS NOT UNIFORMSPACING GREATERTHAN DRAWER FRO_ f_l _DRAWER BACK J'/DRAWER LEFT SIDE jj"SPACING LESS THANDRAWER BACKDRAWER FRONT37